Expresidenta de Bolivia, Jeanine Añez, se declara en huelga de hambre

Bolivia's interim president, Jeanine Anez applauds after taking oath to the military command during her first day in power, at the Quemado presidential palace in La Paz, on November 13, 2019. - Anez, who declared herself interim president before her claim was endorsed by the constitutional court, arguing that her succession was necessitated by the resignations of those above her in the government hierarchy, will try to fill the power vacuum left by Evo Morales's abrupt resignation, as the former leader denounced what he described as a "sneaky coup." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)

La ex presidenta interina de Bolivia Jeanine Áñez, encarcelada por por el gobierno de Bolivia que
la señala de haber cometido delitos de sedición, conspiración y terrorismo tras la crisis postelectoral de 2019, se declaró en huelga de hambre, ya que “no quiere luchar”. Áñez también estaría deprimida, según ha revelado la presidenta de la Asamblea de Derechos Humanos (APDHB), Amparo Carvajal, tras visitarla en la cárcel de mujeres de Obrajes.